Tuesday, 18 September 2007

A Testing Week...

Work is great, and a big test is due this week.
I feel ready thanks to the excellent colleagues with me.

Not much seems to be happening, besides summer quickly disappearing into autumn.
And me forgetting I have a blog of sorts.
Besides all that the flat has it's annual inspection as well.
There is also the Rugby World Cup, cricket's Twenty20 matches, the loss of Colin McRae and his son and all the nonsense in Formula 1 to deal with. No-one seems to be searching for Madeline anymore, two people in the street have lost their cats and the seagulls seem to have become less, or moved back to the sea. I also cooked a great roast chicken and potato supper tonight!!

So all in all nothing is really going on...


The Evil Bus Driver said...

Hey dude. Good luck with the test this week (I assume it`s on Friday). Just remember your mirrors and don`t hit any kerbs. You`ll be fine. Then it`s on to the fun stuff like double deckers, ticket machines etc and then the following week you`ll go into service, and believe me, it all seems so different when you get to take passengers...

lee said...

well come on,did ya pass or not ,i wanna know.I passed first time but iwas lucky,the examiner had just come back from holiday and was as mellancolly as a cucumber and gave me the coast road as a route,not the horrid Piddinghoe road,and i took my time,it was a doddle.