Saturday, 13 October 2007

So much to say so few words...

I have had so much happen in the last few weeks. Good things and great things and nice things and one or two less pleasant things, just so much. And all the while I cannot think of any eloquent(spelling???) or interesting way to actually write about it.
Like the fact that I have spent my first week out on the road as an "in service" bus driver. How huge is that? So many weeks of training and practice that has brought it into being, and how much fun am I having now? I cannot say. Every day something new and more improvement on my time keeping and remembering routes and building my driving skills.
But then there is the brain overload, and sitting in bed before falling asleep thinking, " up this road to the post box, turn left, onwards around the bend to the bus stop, or is that two stops, don't worry too much, you can check for the sign posts, keep along that road to the next bend and follow it around, the next intersection has an odd style house, or is that a great big fence?" Don't worry, you'll do it again next week with someone. Just pay a bit more attention.
and then there are the noisy neighbours and the councils noise patrols. After a few sleepless nights and a few phonecalls to the environmental health offices I can sleep properly and wake up ready for all I have coming to me.
Anyways, Life is good, and getting better.

All is fun in the world and I can only make it as enjoyable as I can.
I hope you folks reading this can too.